Basuki Proposes Big Changes to Jakarta Bus System
Jakarta. The capital is proposing a major overhaul of its bus system, with Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama saying he would like to see the city’s rag-tag fleet of privately owned buses come under the direction of TransJakarta.
The move would see bus operators such as Mayasari, Kopaja and Kopami, invited to use the city’s bus corridors, a move Basuki said could ease rush-hour congestion and provide more buses for passengers using the TransJakarta line.
“We want those buses to be under TransJakarta,” the governor said at City Hall on Thursday.
Basuki said the buses that currently used the busway often only operated in the morning and evening, during high demand. By inviting the other bus operators to use the busway it would mean a more round-the-clock service, Basuki said.
Getting the buses off the roads would also mean fewer stops in traffic and reduced congestion.
Basuki claimed that several bus operators, including Mayasari, Kopaja and Kopami, had expressed interest in the new system.
Jakarta City Council has been reviewing the city’s public transportation system with consultants from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP).
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