SingCham Indonesia was officially inaugurated on 18 May 2006 in Jakarta by Indonesian Minister of Trade H.E. Mari Pangestu and then-Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia H.E. Edward Lee. SingCham aims to promote the business interests of individuals or companies operating in Singapore and/or Indonesia.

With rapid growth of Singapore investment in Indonesia, SingCham aims to promote co-operation among business people in both countries through various networking activities, events and dissemination of useful information for its members.

As the only Indonesia-wide business chamber representing the Singaporean business community in Indonesia and with the Singapore Ambassador to Indonesia as its Patron, SingCham is in a unique position to play the liaison role between the Singaporean business community and the Singapore Government and between the Singaporean business community and the Indonesian Government.

It is a non profit membership fee-based organization.


  • To provide an opportunity for all Singapore business interests in Indonesia to participate.
  • To provide a forum for information-sharing and feedback among members.
  • To encourage and foster better networking among members and with other business organizations in Indonesia.